Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Rabies: The Fear Factor

Ontario has recorded it first case of rabies in 10 years. This has happened in my backyard (sort to speak). Stoney Creek is the site of as many as four rabid raccoons. As of December 14th a fifth raccoon tested positive for rabies in the Haldimand Region. 

Rabies is a viral disease that has been around for centuries. It is unusual for a few reasons. Rabies is transmitted from animals saliva to humans though bites and scratches. Human to human transmission is very rare but possible. The virus goes for the human’s nerves and follows the path to the spinal cord then into the brain. Only then does the human show symptoms of rabies. This process can take just a few days to a year.

The signs and symptoms of rabies in humans start with a fever, severe pain at the bite site, depression, sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights. As the disease progresses the human gets hydrophobia (fear of water) so the mere sight of water can cause their throat to spasm.

Rabies is a preventable disease. Vaccinate your animals every year. The answer to irradiating rabies is that simple; vaccination of your dogs or cats. So go make the call to your vet. All of Ontario thanks you.

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