Monday, April 4, 2016

Whom To Trust?

There has been long standing disagreement regarding the link between MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccinations and increased risk of ASD (Autism Syndrome Disorder). Some believe this controversy has been going on for as many as 30 years. The one thing I can tell you for sure is the controversy has no end in sight; in fact, it has hit a fever pitch with the much-anticipated release of an independent film Vaxxed.

The Tribeca Film Festival was to be Vaxxed’s premiere on April 24, 2016, but due to more controversy with the festivals creator Robert DeNiro the film was removed from the festivals line up. By the way Robert DeNiro is a parent of a ASD child and states he would never manipulation film festival choices for personal ideals.

So what is all the debate about? There is a belief that MMR vaccinations cause a significant increase in a child’s risk of developing ASD. But medical authorities such as the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) have long denied any link between the two.

Here is the information in a time line, as I understand it:

1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield publishes a study showing a significant increase between vaccinated children and the increase diagnosis of autistic traits. But later researchers could not recreated study’s results. The study now disputed, Dr. Wakefield discredited and lost his licence to practice medicine.

2000 CDC reports the rate of ASD for children born in 1992 is 1 in 150 (Data and Statistics, 2012).

2004 Dr. William Thompson a researcher for the CDC publishes another study in Pediatrics investigating any connection between MMR vaccinations and ASD but not links between the two were found.

2012 CDC reports rate of ASD for children born in 2004 is 1 in 68 (Data and Statistics, 2012).

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